Independent Projects
This is Conrad's latest project. It's a birthday gift for Cameron. He's drawn animal pictures, cut the paper down, hole punched and tied together to make a book. He's finishing up by adding color.
Harrison is loving the scissors...a little too much. We had to confiscate them today because he was determined to cut his hair.
Jaylee has spent HOURS of time copying books. It's very interesting to me. She's the one with a reading disability yet she chooses to spend hours coping books. She has always done this.
Waverly has gone through a typing phase...always working on her typing program. At one point she was way ahead of Conrad and Jaylee. She's also gotten into sewing phases. She mainly sews things for her American Girl doll.
My role in all this?? Make sure we have interesting things around, turn off the TV and let the kids go.
Conrad's book is so cute and his art is amazing! I love all these posts and seeing what you guys are up to. Love you.