Saturday, August 6, 2011

Waverly's 6th Bday

Wavy turned 6 on August 2nd!  I can't believe she's so grown up.  We had such a fun day.  She had decided to have an Art Themed party.  She made the invitations and delivered them to 14 of her friends.  We played a game where they had to draw a tail on a donkey.  (Matt drew a big donkey and hung it on the wall.)  We blind folded the kids and then laughed as they drew tails everywhere but where it really belongs.
We then painted and decorated boxes.  Girls got heart boxes.  Boys got circle boxes.  We also traced each kid so they could decorate their bodies.  Matt did a great job.  It was fun to watch the kids.  Some of them took a lot of time and their bodies had a lot of detail on them.  Other kids drew a smiley face and that was it.
Wavy's favorite part was the opening of the presents and cake. She got a lot of fun art supplies and toys.  Thanks to all of her friends!
After the party, Matt and I rested for a whole 10 minutes, then we were off again.  I had to take a drug test for my new job.  (Not fun for any of us.)
We then went to Hidden Roots so us girls could get  feathers put in our hair. Conrad didn't think this was very fair.  I told him he could get a feather if he really wanted....
Next was Applebees, which was Wavy's choice.  It was fun, but we were pooped.  Overall, a very fun day for all of us.  I'm so glad Matt was off of work so he could help. 
Wavy was my 'baby' for a long time.  I can't believe she's in first grade.  She's so funny, smart and sweet.  I love her so much.

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