Saturday, July 7, 2012

Jazz Game 2012

Jazz Game 2012

Jaylee, Conard and Waverly love playing in the Jr. Jazz League.  It's their favorite sport.  Matt took the kids to watch a Jazz game.  They love doing this with their dad.  They eat junk food, yell DEFENSE and try to get close to the bear:)  Good memories.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Camp Floyd/Finished Book of Mormon

Camp Floyd/Finished Book of Mormon 2012

This was a special day for us. We went to church, went home and through a bunch of food together, grabbed our scriptures ended up at Camp Floyd. Camp Floyd is a 'heritage park that reflects the settlement of Utah and its resolution of ongoing conflicts with the federal government'. It's about 15 minutes away from our house. 

We had been reading the Book of Mormon as a family and were finally on the last couple of chapters. We read the end of the Book of Mormon at this beautiful park and had lunch. It was a neat experience. We'd read the Book of Mormon as a family before, but the kids were younger and don't remember it as well. We gave the kids the challenge of praying and asking Heavenly Father if this book is true. 

Reading the scriptures as a family is hard. Sometimes it doesn't seem worth it because we end with kids being grounded and being set to bed:) It's hard but it IS worth it. 

(On a lighter note: I want this tree! It's the coolest tree. There's even a little hole for the kids to hide in on the other side of the trunk.)

Memory Grove 2012

Memory Grove 2012

We went to Memory Grove and I showed the kids my old apartment in the Avenues.  It was a bit rainy, but it is such a beautiful park.  We need to go back when we can spend more time there.  I was able to show them where the tornado hit about 12 years ago. A tornado in Utah!  Crazy. Memory Grove is right off of busy Temple Square but you'd never know it.  What a beautiful place to honor those who have died for our freedoms.  

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Twin Falls/Burley Idaho Trip 2012

Twin Falls/Burley Idaho Trip 2012

Matt started working at K Designers in march of 2012.  He has to travel out of town for one week every month.  We have been able to go with him a couple of times.  It's been so fun because we have never really traveled before.  We find a hotel with a pool, free breakfast and within walking distance of other fun places like movie theaters and restaurants.  We take some school work with us and do a little every day.  These pictures where taken while Matt was working with a co-worker.  We visited the beautiful Twin Falls Temple.  The kids loved it.  The rest of the pictures are from a museum in Burley.  It was fun.  After the museum  we walked down Main Street to find the library.  We had seen a sign for it but we couldn't find it.  We were hot, tired and thirsty.  Needless to say, we weren't the happiest campers.  We decided that Matt could not drop us off without us having more to do than visit a small museum.  Idaho is beautiful, though.  We went by my old house in Twin Falls.  We lived there when I was in 1st grade.  We found Berry's Market where Jake and I used to ride our bikes to.  I was a fun trip.